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Japan vs England – Betting on the Upcoming Rugby Union

Recently ’22 June 2024’ history repeated itself when Japan and England played against each other on Japanese soil. Only this time it was a test...

Things Rugby Players Can Learn From Gamblers

No matter how well you prepare for a rugby match or tournament, things might be unpredictable on that day. It has happened many times in...

Different Types of Rugby Gambling

The online casino sites have taken gambling to a new level. Now you can play bingo in the UK gambling sites and also bet on...

Fundraising Event Ideas For Rugby Club

Whether you are planning for fundraising events to collect funds for your club’s renovation, organising tournaments, or for a local charity, here you will get...

Tips For Becoming A Better Rugby Player

It is great watching a rugby player running around the field with that oval-shaped ball. But it takes a lot of effort and skills to...

How To Prepare For A Rugby Match

If you play rugby and are a member of a rugby team, then you are likely to participate in many rugby matches. Before the match,...